
Service Management API (part 2) - Making API Requests

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5. Making API Requests

API requests are simply HTTP calls against a specified URI under For example, to list all the hosted services underneath your account, you would need to make an authenticated request to<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices.

Example 1 shows a sample program to access the Windows Azure Service Management API. This is a simple console application that accesses the Service Management API and retrieves the list of hosted services.

Example 1. Sample API access
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace apidemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Make request to URL under correct subscription-id
// The long GUID is my subscription ID - you need to replace
// that with yours to make this code work
var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(

//Target right version of the API

//Load the certificate created using makecert earlier

//Read content and use XElement to pretty print it to the
var respStream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();

var xml = new StreamReader(respStream).ReadToEnd();




The program starts by constructing the right URL to make an HTTP request to the API. Note that this code sample uses my subscription ID (the long GUID in the middle of the URI); you would want to replace it with your subscription ID. The API mandates that all calls specify which version of the API the client expects. Only one version is out there currently, so the code adds the x-ms-version header set to the right version date.

At this point, you have an HTTPS request with the correct URI and the correct headers. The last missing piece is the certificate. The code attaches the X.509 certificate you created earlier. Note that although the code points to the .cer file, the Windows crypto APIs will look up the associated private key from the certificate store. Finally, the code makes the request and prints out the XML returned.

If everything worked, you should see output similar to Example 2. Note the little bit of XML with the service name sriramktest. This is essentially listing the same service displayed in the Developer Portal back.

Example 2. Sample hosted services listing
<HostedServices xmlns=

By playing with the URIs that the code hits, you can dig into your services. For example, to get detailed information on sriramktest, you must switch the URI in Example 1 to the following: (again, using your subscription ID and your service’s name). This returns the following XML:

<HostedService xmlns=
<Description />

Note how this XML reflects detailed information on my service. Apart from returning the name, its label, and its ID, it also returns all the roles contained within, their instances, and each instance’s status. This is your one-stop shop for all the status information you need on your services.

Now, here’s a bait-and-switch tactic. You’ll almost never write code such as this. Of course, if you’re a tool developer, you can write your own library. But in almost all cases, you’re better off using the sample client library available at This provides a friendly .NET wrapper to use over the API.

For most of us, though, our primary interest is not in building tools with the API, but rather to use it for our day-to-day management tasks. For that, you should pick out one of the many tools that build on top of the API. Arguably, the most important such tool is csmanage.

6. Using Csmanage

The file csmanage.exe is a command-line tool that wraps on top of the Service Management API to provide you with a command-line interface to Windows Azure. It ships as a free sample, or as a sample with source. If you’re planning to use the Service Management API, you’ll probably wind up becoming very familiar with csmanage.

Note: Binaries and code are available at

After downloading csmanage and unzipping its contents, the first thing you must do is to configure it with the certificate it should use, and with your subscription ID. To do that, open csmanage.exe.config in the directory you extracted to. You’ll see placeholders for SubscriptionID and CertificateThumbprint. Fill in these placeholders with your subscription ID and the Thumbprint of the certificate you created and uploaded. You can get the Thumbprint either from the Windows Certificate Manager (Figure 2) or from the Windows Azure portal (Figure 4). Example 3 shows a sample csmanage.exe.config file using the same subscription ID and certificate used in the examples so far.

Example 3. Sample csmanage.exe.config file
<binding name="WindowsAzureServiceManagement_WebHttpBinding"
openTimeout="00:01:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00"
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="1048576"
maxBytesPerRead="131072" />
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="Certificate" />
<endpoint name="WindowsAzureEndPoint"
"Microsoft.Samples.WindowsAzure.ServiceManagement.IServiceManagement" />
<add key="CheckServerCertificate" value="true"/>
<!-- Insert your subscriptionId as shown by the Windows Azure
developer portal -->
<add key="SubscriptionId"
<!-- Insert your certificate thumbprint without spaces -->
<add key="CertificateThumbprint"

Once configured, csmanage is simple to use. Enter csmanage /? to get a listing of all the commands supported. All csmanage.exe operations have a 1:1 mapping to the underlying API they call, so it provides a great way to learn how the API works as well.

Let’s start by using csmanage to do the same thing that Example 1 did: listing hosted services. Example 4 shows how this is done with the formatted output.

Example 4. Csmanage listing hosted services
D:\csmanage>csmanage /list-hosted-services
Using certificate: CN=Preconfigured Cert
Listing HostedServices
HostedServiceList contains 1 item(s).
HostedService Name:sriramktest
Operation ID: 4279aa416ba84eda9cf6c0d9a0ba076e
HTTP Status Code: OK
StatusDescription: OK

Apart from formatting the data structures returned by the API, csmanage also shows you the operation ID of the API call. In the case of an error, or for troubleshooting issues, you’ll need to tell the Microsoft Support staff this ID to find out what went wrong.

Let’s do something more complex now. Creating a new deployment is arguably the most important operation supported by the API, and probably the most complex as well. Example 5 shows how to create a new deployment and upload a package to staging. The code has been reformatted slightly to help with readability.

Example 5. Creating a new deployment with csmanage
/package: /config:D:\

Using certificate: CN=Preconfigured Cert
Creating Deployment... Name: mydeployment, Label: somelabel
Operation ID: 47bc156f14a94180aa737887aa1c09a1
HTTP Status Code: Accepted
StatusDescription: Accepted
Waiting for async operation to complete:
Operation Status=Succeeded

Note the csmanage parameters highlighted in Figure 4. Apart from the name, label, and slot (staging or production), csmanage must be told which configuration to use, and which package to use. There’s one big difference between the API and the Developer Portal shown here. The API requires that any package be uploaded to Windows Azure blob storage first, whereas the portal can accept packages directly from your local filesystem.

At this point, if you go to the Developer Portal, you should see the package in the staging slot. However, it isn’t running. Let’s fix that by using csmanage again. Example 6 shows how.

Example 6. Running a deployment using csmanage
D:\ \csmanage>csmanage /update-deployment /status:running
/slot:staging /hosted-service:sriramktest
Using certificate: CN=Preconfigured Cert
Updating DeploymentStatus
Operation ID: af111bddb6ea4effb2cd03ac4e10c11a
HTTP Status Code: Accepted
StatusDescription: Accepted
Waiting for async operation to complete:
Operation Status=Succeeded

Now you have a running deployment in the cloud without using the Windows Azure Developer Portal at all. Csmanage is a handy little tool, and you can imagine using it by invoking it from build scripts, tools, and toy applications that must deploy to the cloud.

Calling the API from Cygwin/OS X/Linux

If you’re not calling the API from the Windows world, you have some extra work to do. As of this writing, there are no csmanage-like tools available. However, since the API is just REST-based, it is simple to script common open source tools.

First, export your certificate to a .pfx file from the certificate store. You can use the OpenSSL family of tools to convert the .pfx file to a PEM file, which plays better with the non-Windows world:

$ openssl pkcs12 -in preconfig.pfx -out preconfig.pem
Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK

After this, calling an API is just a question of making the right HTTP request. A widely used tool for constructing HTTP requests is curl. Following is a sample curl command to list hosted services:

$ curl -H "x-ms-version:2009-10-01" -E  preconfig.pem
B299- F706985CE348/services/hostedservices
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